Kunstverein W.A.S. (Womyn´s Art Support)     Veronika Dreier, Doris Jauk-Hinz, Eva Ursprung

"THE DANUBE STREAMING SHOW"    By ship from Vienna to the Black Sea

Foto: Wolfgang Croce
Frisuren: Adamer
Frederic Mistral

Outfit: MILCH
Kapitän Franz Scheriau (links)

vienna - bratislava - budapest - novisad - beograd - vidin - russe - black sea km 1934 - NM 0 15.06. - 05.07.2003
Travel, arts and communications project along the course of the Danube – Streaming in progress - Performance on Tour: 15. 6. Donaukanal Wien ... 16. 6. „Apojka“ Bratislava (Buryzone) ... 17. 6. Folyamat Galeria Budapest ... 19. 6. „Prostor“ Novi Sad (Saint Danube Magazine) ... 22. 6. University of Arts, Beograd ... 28. 6. Art Gallery Vidin ... 1. 7. Art Gallery Russe ... 5. 7. Sulina (Black Sea)
Performance on Tour > Tour Schedule > Exhibtion: MuseumsQuartier Wien > Catalogue>

The Danube is the second largest stream in Europe, and the only big European river flowing from west to east. Having its source-rivers Brigach and Breg in the Black Forest in the southwest of Germany, it flows after 2850 km into the Black Sea, passing Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine.
Before Nato bombed Serbia in spring 1999, thus destroying two bridges in Novi Sad, the Danube was one of the most important shipping routes in Europe. It was a lively connection between different cultures and political systems, between East and West, Europe and Minor Asia. The remnants of the bridges are still not removed from the water, and they are blocking the traffic on the river. Now, in 2003, the economy along the Danube slowly starts to recover, but trade still is not really „flowing“. Communication is disrupted.

The Danube Streaming Show intents to make an artistic contribution to the revival of communication and exchange along the Danube. Therefore, a team of women artists is travelling by ship from Vienna to the Black Sea, exploring which ways of transport, are still possible.

But even more important, W.A.S. wants to connect with artists in all these countries, to learn about their work, and their points of view regarding their own homeland:
We invite all artists along the Danube to participate and produce a „souvenir“ - some small art work expressing their own feelings about their country. This works will be part of an exhibition and catalogue.
Therefore we ask all artists along the Danube to send us small art works to the following address: Kunstverein W.A.S., Ludwig Benedekgasse 19, A-8054 Graz, Austria.

Performance on Tour

Historical background is the story of „Frederic Mistral“, a historic steam ship, which was used by emperor Franz Joseph incognito for his private Danube-trips. During the Second World War it served as swimming commando-center for the partisan leader and later chief Tito. The actual owner Franz Scheriau discovered the ship some years ago in Romania, and brought it back from there to Vienna with the tug „Josef“.
As first step of the „Danube Streaming Show“, W.A.S. invited the audience to roundtrips on the Danube. The ship „Josef“ manoeuvred on the Danube channel for 1 day. The passengers moved in the electronic stream-ship as consumers as well as actors. The ship, symbolizing the connecting link between the countries along the Danube, the connection between the old and the new, history and present time was electronically „measured“: pick ups and microphones recorded the sounds of the ship and its passengers. The collected sounds were the acoustic basis, the „ground beat“ of the streaming along the Danube at night. The ship served as instrument and stage at the same time. This was the starting point of the real Danube trip of the 3 womyn artists.

Partner along the Danube:

"TASTE 0-20", Kunstprojekt am Strassenstück Praterstrasse, Gertrude Moser-Wagner.
Performance, Soundfischen und Radiosendung: W.A.S. und W.A.S. Support Team - cym, Cloed Baumgartner, Anita Hofer, Reni Hofmüller, reas, mit Dank an Kapitän Franz Scheriau.
Soundstreaming mit Buryzone Bratislava (nada.sk), ParaRadio Budapest (Peter Notari, Andras Szonyi, Gaspar Benedek). Live in ORF Kunstradio und Radio Helsinki.
Bratislava: Buryzone - Maria Riskova und Ana Filip (www.buryzone.sk)
Budapest: Folyamat Galeria - Adele Eisenstein, Edit Szilvasy
Novi Sad: „Prostor“, in Kollaboration mit „Saint Danube Magazine for literature and culture along the Danube“ - Daniela Stojkovich.
Beograd: University of Arts - Marijana Cvetkovic, Stevan Vukovic
Vidin: Art Gallery Vidin - Bogdan Aleksandrov
Russe: Art Gallery Russe - Elena Stepanovna Velikova, Univ. Veliko Tirnovo, Intern. Elias Canetti Gesellsch., BRIE - Penka Angelova

Sponsored by: Kulturamt der Stadt Graz, KulturKontakt Austria, BKA Kunst, Austrian Cultural Forum Budapest and Beograd, Frauenreferat der Stadt Graz, DDSG, mur.at, ORF Kunstradio, Radio Helsinki. Thanks to Mirjana Peitler and Stevan Vukovic.

Catalogue: The Danube Streaming Show (Hrsg.: W.A.S., 2004),  Subskr.

The Danube Streaming Show - Preview:
Am 8. Juni 2002 inszenierte W.A.S. im Outfit von MILCH ein Donau-Environment mit Flaggenperformance, Videoscreenigs der "Probefahrt" mit der "Frederic Mistral" im Wiener Hafen, Texten zu Geschichte und Gegenwart der Donau, einem Konzert von WAVEGROOM nach Donauwellenpartitur und anschließender Party mit DJane maloya malotti.
reas (bass), maloya malotti (trompete), eva ursprung (sax)
DJane maloya malotti (Belgrad/Graz - auf dem Weg nach Barcelona) feat. "Shut up and Dance!"
FORUM STADTPARK  sa. 08. juni 2002, 21:00

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Doris-Jauk-Hinz last update: 13-01-05